this is the body now

smaller header

paragraph inside body not sure what this does fhejvfhvwbkenjbhvgcfgvhbjngkgksjbgkjbvkljbkjblojbkjcubkivi hfbksrehfbklsrjgblrjbgljrbgltbdrjkgetrkbgdnkinlien jbgkhrbgksrbkserjbglsurbglblurbglurglburbluosergbotngdrtgt end of paragraph

medium header again

for making lists


i hate them

numbered reasons why i hate lists

  1. they suck
  2. because i said so
  3. theyre not so bad sometimes

how to link


list link

go to lists


row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
row 3, cell 1 row 3, cell 2 row 3, cell 3